What to Expect
We are a church that is determined to worship Jesus together no matter what our age or musical tastes. Our worship could be described as “blended,” meaning that we incorporate both the rich theology of traditional hymns as well as more modern “praise songs.” Our services are led by piano and song leaders each Sunday. As Lutherans, we also incorporate historic elements of the Christian faith, such as the confession of sins, reciting the creeds and the Lord’s Prayer, as well as using a liturgy when we celebrate communion.
What about Kids?
With families pulled in so many directions we place a high value on families worshiping together. We want children to catch the passion for worshiping God by watching others enjoy God week after week. To see a child as he watches his father and raises his hands in praise, or put his hand over his heart like his mom—there’s nothing more beautiful than to take part in services of worship with children present.
Children are able to experience the Holy Spirit, listen to what’s going on (more than we sometimes realize), and ask surprising or honest questions. Having children in worship even motivates and inspires the adults!
Kids are not a “nuisance,” but rather people who can praise God alongside mom, dad, friends, neighbors, young and old. Having the church be a family of families--That's worship!
To help children in worship we do offer children's bulletins, children's offering, "word of the day" to listen for, songs, and children’s sermons. There is also a nursery during the worship services, for those parents who wish to use it.
Coffee Fellowship Time
Hope's Coffee Fellowship is more than a brief interlude before our Sunday Church School and Adult Bible Study.
It is more than the food. Far more important, it is an opportunity to connect as we extend hospitality to one another and our guests.
It is more than small talk. Around the serving table, friendships are made, activities both in and outside the church are planned, and through these brief conversations, we slowly build compassionate relationships that continue to support us as we step beyond the walls of the church.
It is more than talking just to those we know. In this casual setting, members have an opportunity to welcome guests to our church. Beyond the brief passing of the peace in worship, the coffee fellowship provides us with time to learn visitors’ names, to introduce ourselves, to find some common ground, and to invite them to come join us again.
It is more than a time for our children and teens to refuel after worship. It is so important to the future of Hope Lutheran Church that caring, affirming adults in our congregation can take advantage of these encounters to listen to our youth, to learn what is important to them, and to ask what’s going on in our active youth ministry program.
Won’t you join us?